Number of Children | Application Fee | Registration Fee | PreK Tuition | TOTAL |
1 Student | $50 | $250 | $8,290 | $8,590 |
2 Students | $50 | $500 | $16,580 | $17,180 |
Number of Children |
Application Fee
Registration Fee | K-8 Tuition | TOTAL |
1 Student | $50 | $250 | $7,990 | $8,290 |
2 Students | $50 | $500 | $15,980 | $16,580 |
3 Students | $50 | $750 | $23,970 | $24,870 |
4 Students | $50 | $1,000 | $31,960 | $33,160 |
After School Care | $10/Student/Hour | Due Monthly | 3:00-6:00pm |
Late Pick Up | $10/Minute | Due Monthly | After 6:00pm |
8th Grade Sweatshirt | $40 | Billed October | 8th Grade only |